The autumn equinox is a time to celebrate pleasant fall experiences at the farm, surrounded by colorful prairies and produce. Here’s a photo journal into one of the busiest seasons on the farm, a full slate of student experiences, public events, and farm work.

Jeff’s classroom is a productive place. Students learn while they bring in the harvest together.

Cool-weather crops are coming out of fields now, juxtaposing with the winter squash also being harvested.

Recognize those hard workers? Tyler, Gavin, and Jeff load autumn mums to take back to the Farm Store. We laughed and enjoyed our time together with the Kroll family (a welcome break for us all!) as we work together more closely in the fall.

After several frustrating brassica crop losses this spring, our fall broccoli crop looks great!

Winter cover crops broadcast seeded by hand to engage students more deeply in building soils.

Thanks to our longtime CSA member, our farm entryway sign was painted! Thank you, Lea!

Did we mention the beautiful late summer harvest our farm team is pulling from the fields?!

Students count pumpkins available for picking. Stay tuned as the students are planning a pumpkin event in October!

The farm team built predator-protected outdoor space for the chickens as we began winter preparations for animals.

Whew! Enjoy this week’s late summer/autumn feeling shares, along with a bit of surprise insert for your reading pleasure.
Your farmers,
Jeff, Jen, Gavin, Miguel, Anacleto, Cleto, David, and the Liberty Prairie team