Farmers’ Journal

Caring for Life

August 20, 2024

As farmers, we care for people, plants, and animals every day. This past Saturday, we realized that in our ongoing efforts to wean the baby goats, their overly quiet mama was struggling with health issues. We immediately shifted our family plans for the weekend and focused on animal care.
Our Saturday became a day of apprenticeship and learning livestock veterinary skills in action. We feverishly took notes as we were taught hands-on experiences. We spent the afternoon transcribing notes into our animal husbandry documentation. We developed a new calendar and systems for continued care. We spent Sunday considering how we’d develop veterinary lessons and engage students with skills we mastered ourselves.
This process of learning quickly, and then finding ways to share knowledge is our normal. We translated our passion and knowledge for caring for plant life to farmers and farm crews for many years. Now, as we return to caring for livestock intended to educate, we hope to impress upon students the importance of this work.
Our animal care processes and systems deserve and receive the rigor that we put towards growing plants. For instance, we spend countless hours honing how we grow and harvest the produce for beauty and flavor. Over the years, we’ve honed processes to wash and bag the produce to extend its shelf life.
Our animal care processes and systems are equally as important. Our annual systems of care mean that we will watch, listen, measure, care, document and hone processes towards a humane life our livestock. We will take the time needed to do things right.
Animals begin to feed and graze differently understanding cooler weather is on the horizon. Our work patterns quicken now as autumn brings an increased ripening schedule for late summer crops. All the more important that we take the time this weekend for that family picnic we had planned.

Your farmers,
Jeff, Jen, Gavin, Cleto, David, Anacleto & Miguel