As we continue to get increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, we’re working hard to build our collective resilience through Midwest native edible crops like elderberries. Elderberries are one of our key cultivated crops within the food forest and hedgerows for several reasons.

Secondly, elderberries move us toward our goal of creating edible hedgerows. Our goal for permaculture throughout the farm is to better build and manage our soils, integrate regenerative agriculture approaches into the farm, and add to the diversity of food we can offer our community. Hedgerows are already essential to our biodiverse farm serving as animal habitat, pollination stations, and much-needed windbreaks for our crops. If we can make them pleasant places to stop for food, too, even better! We are working on a project with the Savannah Institute (SI) to design more edible hedgerows throughout the farm.

Photo credit: Savannah Institute

Perennial crops are important part of our work, in addition to our annuals, and we get better at growing and working with these crops each season. As our crops develop further, we continue to explore scalable harvesting options to harvest elderberries efficiently in larger volumes and consider how we can share this knowledge with other local elderberry growers as well.
Until then, enjoy this week’s early summer harvest!
~ Your farmers and the Liberty Prairie team